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章艳敏 刘佩琦 张英
电影 剧情
2024-05-25 19:11:28
这是一个曾经感动过上亿人的真实的故事,一个让崔永元破例触电的少女,一个被全国媒体争相报道,平凡但却感人至深的故事。张穆然是一名充满梦想的普通中学生,因身患癌症要面对病痛和死亡,然而她的坚强使病痛的磨难成为一种生命意义的真诚体验,也感染着她身边的人。她在人生最后的日子里希望实现把妈妈的户口从陕南办回北京,与自己崇拜的中央电视台《实话实说》崔永元一起主持节目。崔永元得知这一消息后,被这个小姑娘的精神所感动。而当实话实话专题节目《感受坚强》播出时,当她妈妈拿着办回北京的户口时,张穆然已经离开了她的亲人、朋友、以及所有关心她的人们……The present film traces back to a true story taking place in Beijing at the end of the 20th century. As a middle school student from Beijing, Zhang Muran was of no exception from other children. She was a lovely girl, full of dreams. But, at the time she finishes middle school, she was found to have got cancer. She was forced to leave school, and even was deprived of living as a normal being. A short time later, people found the girl smiling in face of pain and even death. How she behaved influenced the people around her. Out of people's expectation, she took the pain as one part of life experience. In her last few days, she eagerly wanted to realize her dreams. One was that she wanted her mother to be shifted back to Beijing from south Shanxi province. Another was that she wanted to anchor the program "Say the Honest Words" with her beloved anchor Cui Yongyuan on CCTV. When Mr. cui got to know this, he was deeply moved by the girl's strength facing the fatal disease. When the program---The Mighty Strength---was being made, Zhang Muran was in deep sleep in the hospital. When the program was shown on TV and her mother was finally shifted back to Beijing, she had already left her relatives, friends and those who showed great concern to her…